green woodworking resources and links
The Association of pole lathe turners and green woodworkers (aka bodgers) U.K. based national association with the aim of encouraging and promoting green woodworking. The organisation runs 'The Bodgers Ball' fesival in May each year - apart from 2020 and 2021 :(
There are many regional groups that meet regularly, and members also get a copy of 'The Bodger's Gazette' magazine 4 times a year. Membership is only £20 a year
spoon carving - UK based Wood tools do a great package deal if you're just starting out with a very good quality spoon knife, axe and mora 106 straight knife. They are usually in stock. stock a great range of tools, books and sharpening supplies
Sean Hellman has a couple of excellent books out which are available directly from him. I use an 'easy rider' design shave horses which I made following the plans in his 'Shaving horses, Lap shaves and other woodland vices' book. He also makes some great tools
Sharif Adams sells bowl hook tools and has free plans for a bowl lathe
Spoon carving online tuition
Barn the spoon is probably the one person who has done more to promote and popularise spoon carving than any other person. His videos go into great detail and are the next best thing to attending a lesson in person. has a great online Woodland Woodcarving (spoon carving) course taught by Will St. Clair
U.K Green woodworking festivals
April - Northern Bowl Gathering nr. Durham
May - The Bodger's Ball
The Great Scottish Spoon Hoolie
July - Spoontown, Kent
August - Spoonfest, Derbyshire The original and biggest Spoon carving festival, tickets go on sale in April and sell out extremely quickly
September - The Bowl Gathering, Herefordshire. A really special get together with the focus mostly on pole lathe turned bowls as well as carved bowls
The Association of pole lathe turners and green woodworkers (aka bodgers) U.K. based national association with the aim of encouraging and promoting green woodworking. The organisation runs 'The Bodgers Ball' fesival in May each year - apart from 2020 and 2021 :(
There are many regional groups that meet regularly, and members also get a copy of 'The Bodger's Gazette' magazine 4 times a year. Membership is only £20 a year
spoon carving - UK based Wood tools do a great package deal if you're just starting out with a very good quality spoon knife, axe and mora 106 straight knife. They are usually in stock. stock a great range of tools, books and sharpening supplies
Sean Hellman has a couple of excellent books out which are available directly from him. I use an 'easy rider' design shave horses which I made following the plans in his 'Shaving horses, Lap shaves and other woodland vices' book. He also makes some great tools
Sharif Adams sells bowl hook tools and has free plans for a bowl lathe
Spoon carving online tuition
Barn the spoon is probably the one person who has done more to promote and popularise spoon carving than any other person. His videos go into great detail and are the next best thing to attending a lesson in person. has a great online Woodland Woodcarving (spoon carving) course taught by Will St. Clair
U.K Green woodworking festivals
April - Northern Bowl Gathering nr. Durham
May - The Bodger's Ball
The Great Scottish Spoon Hoolie
July - Spoontown, Kent
August - Spoonfest, Derbyshire The original and biggest Spoon carving festival, tickets go on sale in April and sell out extremely quickly
September - The Bowl Gathering, Herefordshire. A really special get together with the focus mostly on pole lathe turned bowls as well as carved bowls